Contextual Framework
Cut All The Clutter Of ERP / BPM / CRM & Collaboration Software. Try Cordis Contextual Framework; It is Faster, Better & Much Cheaper
Business Softwares Are Complex &
Expensive Because They Lack Context.
We use contextual thinking to bring the three great paradigm shifts.

One Tool To Build Any Business Software Across Industries, Achieving Zero Cost Of Ownership.

One User Experience For All Users; Across Departments And Across Industries.

Internet Of Business (IoB) Allowing Seamless Flow Of Contextual Information Across B2B And B2C Network.
Any Business Can Be Reduced Into A Collection Of Operating, Financing And Investing Contexts. Context Is The Basic Building Block Of Business. Context Therefore Is The Scalable Building Element Of Business Software.
Relational data, documents, chat, voice, emails, decision rules, accounting and tasks become the essential components & internal structure inside the basic building block of a business context.
Using Contextual thinking, Businesses can be broken down into bigger and smaller inter-related contexts which may influence each other during operations and represent the dynamic business ecosystem. Such a technology framework which allows configuration of varied business contexts enabling managers to define the inter-linkages among various contexts is called Contextual Framework (CF).

Each of the defined contexts in CF has inbuilt intra-context and inter-context capability for data and process computation along with on demand provisioning of collaboration tools for efficiency. Contextual framework can be used to automate every aspect or contextual cord of a business. These contexts work as evolving gears of business which interact with each other in synchronicity to produce greater revenue streams for business stakeholders.

It is single GUI Ux of Windows that brought Personal Computer (PC) revolution.

It is single Ux of iPhone that made mobile computing ubiquitous.

It is single Ux of Google that made search easy for the world.

It is single GUI Ux of Windows that brought Personal Computer (PC) revolution.
From Facebook To Apple, Single User Experience Is The Key
For Global Digital Transformation. Embrace Single User
Experience With Simplicity to Achieve Digital
Transformation Of Your Business Ecosystem.
Is Your Business Future Ready? Enterprise Ai Is Here!
Have you prepared data for your Business Context of Interest (CoI)?
For your business to be Ai ready; you also need to prepare the data sets for specific Machine Learning application in your business context. But is your current technology infrastructure allowing you in collection of diverse data points across various software components like voice systems, document management systems, chat platforms, CRM, BPM, Accounting Softwares, BI Tools and ERP Modules?
Contextual recording of holistic data is a natural consequence laying a strong foundation of needed data sets for Machine Learning.

Contextual Framework Is The Perfect Foundation Of Ai For Businesses
Not only does it provide the basis for Machine Learning; it also assists in the path of data preparation phase by providing an overarching structure for everything in the context of interest. Machines use brute force which does not work in open business scenarios but it is very powerful in a constrained bounded application as in the area of contextual cord.
Internet Of Business (IoB)
As a Business, you want to be at the center of Internet of Business to be successful; it requires three key aspects to be covered before it can trigger the Network effect for your business.

IoB makes the business anti-fragile in today’s VUCA world with a Contextual B2B and B2C seamless network. The IoB leverages three key aspects of Contextual Framework to trigger a Network effect for your business; and turns the business into a Platform. Market Hub Business Scale Market Expansion This enables the managers to further increase the revenue sources through leveraging the network connected to their platform to buy and sell products/services.
Value Creation Automation (VCA) Within Context?
Complex Coordination: Contextual Cord
Just like cell is the structural and functional unit of life. Context is the structural and functional unit of business. A business survives by producing value in the market. Each Value creation cycle happens within a context before being delivered to the customer. Every value created in great brands is measured for quality and efficiency from several different management perspectives. Contextual Framework gives you the tools in the form of VCA to measure deviation in each work value packets from all perspectives and binds the completed value packets into a contextual cord for easy review and collaboration.
Contextual Framework creates a solid ground for the next generation of applications which requires Complex coordination of several technology components together. Every component, whether computation, chat, documents, voip or process automation exists already but they are not all well orchestrated and simple to use. It takes myriad product licenses and complex integration of years to partially achieve; what CF can deliver in a weeks time at zero license cost.
Having a lot of different complex technology pieces vertically integrated together in contextual framework, businesses attain unprecedented results in efficiency and control.

Contextual Framework Is Addictive
Walking is an Emergent Phenomenon.. Because walking is a new phenomenon, caused by Synergetic interaction of two hops by individual legs.
We can say that individual synergetic interactions combined together leads to New Phenomenons. So, when you study parts of conventional enterprise applications using reductionist method, you find nothing. It is the synergetic interactions that is causing the phenomenon.
The local pattern will never inform you about Global Structures. They are a different integration level. You need to study the interactions between the various enterprise systems in the market; how they relate to each other in a network and how they synergistically behave during those interactions.
Contextual Framework brings the additive walking compared to difficult hopping using enterprise systems. When Integrated context brings the power of voice call, chat, computation and action in a synergistic way; it produces a new emergent behavior which is addictive to the users.
Contextual framework and Internet of Business together brings a new emergent whole which is greater than sum of its parts.
Granularity Of Technology
Business managers want control and improvement of each value flow within the business from various management perspectives. The best technology for the business is that which allows it to encompass all the management perspectives with the highest resolution of control and provide flexibility to tune them instantaneously.
Contextual Technology does exactly that and allows the business managers to control their entire Value Creation Cycle from proposition to delivery through different perspectives and evolve the business in a holistic manner.
The management worldview change with the changing business scenarios in the market. Contextual Framework allows tuning and reconfiguration of all controls and business behavior in the changing market; allowing it to remain technologically abreast with its market strategy.
Business focus remains varied across different business contexts. The technology should be flexible enough to set different management standards in different business scenarios. Contextual framework allows change of focus in the business from areas where every deviation is critical to quality and brand; to areas where process efficiency is of prime importance. CF covers all the different possibilities by giving management control to be perfected under each business context.

Time Management

Cost Control



Communication Gap

Risk Occurrence

Just In Time

Human Resource

Making IoT Work Contextualy
If your business already uses IoT in your infrastructure; Cordis uses Contextual Framework (CF) to help you make them smarter by integrating them into right business context and trigger machine and human decisions automatically .
A single IoT device may be relevant in several different business context at the same time; CF achieves that in a cost efficient and evolution friendly way. The sensors are dumb machines which without contextual integration just senses data and dump it in the server records.
Contextual Framework Technology allows you to push the sensor data across different contexts automatically which triggers different business behavior based on the configured contextual disposition of the business. The contextual framework is inherently able to share data and influence other contexts in the business dynamically.
The business managers can easily configure a domino effect of business actions on the sensor threshold levels. CF allows Bringing data into an intelligent context; thus bringing inanimate sensors to life in your business.
RenDanHeyi (3E Model) & Internet of Business
In modern business; the employee is no longer confined to his position. Rather, he should imbibe intrapreneurial spirit and compete for the desired position with a competitive plan.
The successful model of Haier tells us that the future belongs to the unbundling of organizations into a Network of Micro-enterprises within the Ecosystem brand as umbrella company. Each micro-enterprise would be led by its own value proposition and customer oriented Intrapreneur. Zhang’s success lied in its unbundling of brand into 4000 ecosystem micro-enterprises serving each other in an Internet of business.
The technology model that truly solves the challenges of an unbundled organization with interacting micro-enterprises in its ecosystem brand is Contextual Framework and Internet of Business. The future of modern business would depend on successfully operating as an Ecosystem brand of mico-enterprises in the market. The unbundled organizations operate like Rainforests, there are parts of it which die and there are parts of it that emerge; but on the whole it is every living; ever evolving.
Such a brand would be stifled by the monolithic complexity of rigid non-contextual framework of enterprise technologies. Since the ecosystem is oriented towards customer and the market would always be in flux; it will result in a continuously changing nature of value exchange within the intranet and internet of micro-enterprises.

Vision Into The Future
The enterprise technology of today is complex, rigid and clumsy. It is highly cost prohibitive to sustain such complexity in daily enterprise operations. Using Enterprise Technology has therefore become the hegemony of the cash rich enterprises only.
With the advent of PC and then mobile computing; the power of personal computing has reached the children and grandmas of the world. Unicorn platform companies have emerged to take advantage of this ubiquitous computing power and deeper market penetration.
High technology entry barrier has become the main weapon of the Unicorns to capture the market. The SMEs in each sector are facing threat due to imbalance of computing power in comparison with Capital backed Platform companies who can sustain complex technology stacks. The entrepreneurial world has been crushed due to the expensive licenses and difficult integrations.
Contextual Framework ushers the business world into a new era where the power of enterprise technology reaches the hands of the 7 Billion people.
The Contextual Framework solves the complexity of the needs of modern entrepreneurs by bringing an easy to use, flexible and lego like blocks to build solutions for their business ecosystem to thrive in the difficult and evolving VUCA world. Our focus is the business masses and Contextual framework brings the One Tool; Single User Experience to build the connected business world. The quick movers and swift adapters will gain from the new CF Technology and Internet of Business.
Contextual Framework is bringing the world market into a more connected framework where each Business evolves into a complete platform company where it becomes a high traffic hub in its private internet of business. Even small businesses like barber, clubs, plumbing and restaurants are slowly moving towards an integrated marketplace; where they operate as a platform for related products and services from various suppliers and vendors working through cross sales and channel partnerships.
CF enables B2B and B2C parties to connect with your businesses over respective relationships and bought & sold product and service items contextually. The contextual communication is better, faster and cheaper enabling your business in newer ways.
Each product and service context can be used to enhance engagement from targeted stakeholders seamlessly. The contextual engagement is further used for new recommended allied product and service items opening a new world of discovery and trade with the customers. Today, despite a product and service being highly useful; it gets hidden in the noise of millions of other products and services. Contextual help and suggestion narrows down the product relevance for the audience triggering a new wave of innovation and greater market economies.
Amazon and Alibaba took the first mover advantage when the era of www internet started. There would be first mover companies who would take advantage of the contextual framework and Internet of Business to lead the future from the forefront.
Our Goal Is To Democratize Technology
Cordis is dedicated to bring digital independence to Businesses.
We believe in empowering the businesses of the world with a new wave of computing power. So, we continuously build new ways to improve our financial models to democratize the Technology. We do not charge if business trains its people to learn and use the CF technology themselves.

Unlimited Users

No Hidden Costs

Cloud Instance Available @ Monthly Pricing.

Setting Up Support Available @ One Time Cost.
We provide PriceMatch guarantee; uptil one year of Application going live in all the segments.
You can switch to On-Premises anytime without any notice.