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The fast-growing insurance industry is embracing technology to tackle internal process issues and boost efficiency. Our solution is designed to minimize complexities within the workflow and enable high scalability of insurance firms. Unlike other solutions, VCA technology offers complete end-to-end automation of workflows. All process cycles and business units are automated, integrated and streamlined with in-built communication channels and real-time reporting. Our solution entails the following useful features tailored to insurance industry needs:

  • Automated enquiry management
  • Conversion ratio analysis
  • Automated commission disbursements
  • Automated broking slip generation
  • Quantified risk management
  • Workflow allocation
  • Omni channel activation
  • Automated audit process engine
  • Automated Claims notification

VCA solution can help insurance firms lower costs substantially, minimize the risk of human errors, enhance operational efficiency and capitalize new regions of growth. Embracing VCA technology is the new path to overcoming failures and surviving the tough insurance industry competition



The rise of automation in the retail industry stems from increased demands and the ever-changing consumer environment. As competition continues to grow, retailers are scrambling to implement automation solutions that boost operational efficiency and lower costs. Value Creation Automation has been designed to meet specific retail industry needs and give retailers the power to evolve. VCA is an end-to-end solution which can be deployed through the entire retail workflow. Being agile in nature and extremely flexible, VCA can adapt to changing trends quickly and support vast operational activities. Some of the key features of VCA retail solution are:

  • In-built customer relationship management
  • Automated reporting
  • Automated inventory management
  • Stock movement and management
  • Scheduling and time management
  • Automated attendance and tracking
  • Real-time monitoring

Our technology eliminates inefficiencies and problem-areas to boost profitability and strengthen the brand image of retailers. We aim to make the retail businesses more profitable and scalable through advanced technology.


The publishing industry has become one of the most highly competitive fields in today’s era. Due to the increased popularity of digital mediums, publishers are reinventing their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Our technology is providing publishing companies the tools they need to remain competitive as well as profitable. We focus on building a technological framework that boosts value addition throughout process flows. VCA tackles core operations of publishing firms and provides end-to-end automated process workflows where error-prone tasks are identified and eliminated in real-time. Some of the key features of our publishing automation include:

  • Automated distribution management
  • Risk management
  • Automated cost-based accounting
  • Information management
  • Real-time reporting
  • Automated cross-media publishing
  • Single user-interface or dashboard
  • Automated asset management

With VCA technology, publishing firms can streamline activities and efficiently utilize assets for increased profitability. We aim to give publishing firms the power of technology through our advanced solution.


Manufacturing remains one of the most complex domains on a global level. With automation being a norm in this sector, our solution goes a step ahead to revolutionize manufacturing. Value Creation Automation is uniquely designed to integrate and implement leading management practices throughout manufacturing processes. Our core focus is upon value addition and continuous improvement. VCA provides manufacturers complete control of operations and management through a single technological framework. Not only does this improve efficiency of processes but also reduces waste-associated costs and improves resource utilization. Some of the core features of VCA include:

  • Automated task distribution
  • Cost and time management
  • Automated statistical process control (SPC)
  • Automated risk management
  • Resource allocation
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Automated communication management
  • Quality management

Our solution embeds Lean Six Sigma principles to ensure high quality output is generated at minimal costs. VCA holds the key to surviving in the fast-growing manufacturing sector and setting new industry standards.


Logistics and supply chain firms continue to grow in demand across the globe. Although automation has become integral to supply chain workflows, process issues remain afloat and untackled. Value Creation Automation resolves complexities and issues through entire supply chain processes, giving businesses a technological advantage and enabling them to meet market demands. VCA integrates disparate tasks and units to create a single framework for delivery. Some of the key features designed to resolve supply chain process problems include:

  • Automated procurement management
  • Automated inventory management
  • Automated warehousing management
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Real-time reporting
  • Automated notification and screening
  • Integrated finance management

With VCA, logistics and supply chain businesses can significantly reduce operational expenses and enhance efficiency. Our solution optimizes workflow and eliminates risks in real-time, adding value and lowering costs simultaneously. VCA is geared towards paving way for organizational growth and industry survival through smart technology.


Banking sectors across the globe are letting go of legacy systems to embrace advanced technology for operations. Unlike regular automation solutions which cater to specific functional aspects of finance, Value Creation Automation is an all-in-one solution that streamlines entire banking and finance workflows. We have painstakingly created an advanced solution to meet the technological needs of the modern banking industry. VCA banking and finance solutions comes with a range of notable features such as:

  • Automated bookkeeping
  • Automated risk management
  • Automated customer account management
  • Report generation
  • Automated reconciliation
  • Self-service portals
  • Information management

Our solution can be integrated throughout disparate units with a single database. Not only does VCA help banking and finance institutions improve customer experience, but also eliminates costly process errors and optimizes performance.

Transport Industry

The transportation industry is a module within the supply chain management (SCM) that provides a company to manage their transportation and freight.

One of the variety of reasons the transportation industry is needed for the progress of transportation systems is that they are integrated with the level and context. The transport sector is one of the significant components and the most commonly used apparatus utilized for progress within the chosen boundaries. 

  • Enhance customer service
  • Track deliveries on time 
  • Boost supply chain efficiency
  • Mitigate freight costs
  • Strengthen productivity 
  • Simplifies data management
  • Regulation of the procedure

Transportation Management System (TMS) is widely needed since carriage charges cost much which can result in major loss. Owners compete to expedite shipments or costly blunders.

One of the most reliable methods to maximize on the amendments, occasions, opportunities in the carriage and logistics corporations to materialize the suitable mechanism and programme tools which provides business functions and provide benefit every day. With the correct programme in the position businesses are able to enjoy due benefits to conduct an accomplished business across seven oceans.

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